Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Sun is brighter than the candle

Our life is like a candle. Sometimes it is lit and we feel happy, full of light; other times it is dark and we feel sadness or suffering. But when the sun comes into our lives, it outshines the light of the candle and the candle becomes irrelevant. The sun is the spirit and light of God. This is our true life, our true joy. May we all strive to bring the transcendent light of God into our hearts and lives so that the changes and chances of this passing worldly life serve only to strengthen our trust and faith in Him, the Source of our being!

“Do not grieve at the afflictions and calamities that have befallen thee. All calamities and afflictions have been created for man so that he may spurn this mortal world -- a world to which he is much attached. When he experienceth severe trials and hardships, then his nature will recoil and he will desire the eternal realm -- a realm which is sanctified from all afflictions and calamities.”

--from the writings of the Baha'i Faith

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